In a recent blog post <> James Henderson discusses differences between countries with respect to the need for efficiency. Could it be the case that in countries with a more expensive labor force, or with scarcity of that, process mining is embraced sooner and faster? James definitely has a point here and in general, things we do in one country may resound in other countries for very different reasons.
In my recent book on Entrepreneurship, The Smart Way, available on Amazon I discuss a case in one of the software companies where I acted as CEO. We were convinced a vertical proposition that led to 50 % of the market in our country of origin would lead to similar market shares in other countries, and we heavily invested in that. Alas, the problem we solved was completely different in these other countries. The book features more examples as well as strategies that will help entrepreneurs to make smart choices in this and comparable cases.
The interesting thing here, though, is that our failure in bringing a vertical solution to other countries led us to further focus on something that was universal: improvement of processes. Processes, the need to improve these, as well as process graphs as a visual way to represent processes are found in virtually any country. Just (Deepl or use your own favorite translation service to find process graph in any language and) Google: you’ll be amazed by the number of hits.
We decided to focus on Process Mining because it is a technology that is beautiful in its simplicity: take data from any system, and automatically create a process graph. Now anybody can get full insight into business processes and start to make changes to improve these.
Erik-Jan van der Linden
Strategic Advisor at Mindzie
Process Mining Simplified