Overview #
The calculator helps to analyze case categories over time.
Common Uses #
- To analyze number of early, on time and late payments over time.
- To analyze revenue across regions over time.
- To analyze total invoice amounts across vendors over time.
Settings #

- Filters: Filter the data you wish to use for the analysis, for instance: apply a time filter to select cases from a specific time period or select cases with a specific attribute (region, company, etc).
- Category: Select how to breakdown your cases. To analyze cases by Region, select Region attribute.
- Period: Select the time interval to use for selecting data, i.e. monthly, weekly or yearly.
- Case Date: Select the date which will be used as the start date for the calculation. For example, you can select Case Start or End dates or a specific activity time (e.g., if want to see how many invoices were posted each month, you should select Invoice posting date).
- Period Value: Specify how to aggregate the data: case count or sum, average, median, min, max of an attribute of your choice.
- Time duration: If you wish to aggregate a timespan value (e.g., average case duration), you can choose a desired time unit (e.g., days or weeks).
- Category Ordering: Descending or ascending order.
- Max Categories: Specify the maximum number of categories to include in your calculation. If you have 20 product types, but wish to only see top-5, specify 5.
Examples #
Example 1 #
To analyze payment timeliness category over time, use the following settings:

Line chart output:
Shows the trends of payment statuses over time.

Stacked bar chart output:
Shows the proportion of payment statuses compared to all payments made in each month.

Example 2 #
To analyze total invoice amounts paid to vendors in each quarter, use the following settings:

Line chart output:

Stacked bar chart: